Panzer M4 Shotgun Accessories

It’s no secret that Panzer firearms are manufactured in Turkey, however it may not be common knowledge that there are many Turkish firearm manufacturers that have been making quality rifles and shotguns for over 50 years.

The Panzer Arms M4 Tactical Shotgun is a great example of this.The Panzer M4 Shotgun offers all the same features as the original Benelli M4, but at a modest price. It is an inertia driven semi-automatic that is lightweight and fast handling.

Over the last several months, GG&G has been asked weekly by Panzer M4 Shooters to design and manufacture a line of American Made Tactical Accessories for the Panzer M4 Tactical Shotgun.

So, in response to those requests, The All American GG&G Red, White and Blue Crew has done just that with an initial line up of 10 Essential Tactical Accessories with several options offered as well. The GG&G accessories are specifically made for the Panzer M4 Tactical Shotgun.

It’s important to clarify that, because it has been rumored that the Panzer M4 Shotgun accepts the same accessories manufactured for the Benelli M4. GG&G has found that is not true!  As the old saying goes “Close, But No Cigar.” That’s why GG&G has manufactured our America Made Panzer M4 Accessories specifically for the Panzer Arms M4 Tactical Shotgun.

Check Them Out! Tac Up Your Panzer M4 Shotgun with GG&G Tactical Accessories!